Lowongan Kerja PT Danareksa (Persero) Posisi Anggota Komite

LOWONGANKERJA15.COM - Loker BUMN Terbaru 2016, PT Danareksa (Persero) is one of the Indonesian State Owned Enterprises engaged in the specialized financial services Danareksa. The company was formed in 1976 to carry out the activities of the capital market and money market mutual funds. Danareksa activities into enterprise financing services, underwriting, brokerage, investment management and even mutual funds. Besides, Danareksa also offer services expenses related securities portfolio of a company that is usually done by a company mandate (trust fund). Danareksa realize economic growth and progress of the nation through the strategy of the investment banking sector, which is still dominated by corporate and retail banking sector. In other words Danareksa realize the change of society savings to the investment community. Additionally Danareksa already promote Sharia-compliant investment service to offer direct market access to clients worldwide. Baca juga Loker Bank Mandiri

Lowongan Kerja PT Danareksa (Persero) Posisi Anggota Komite
Career at Danareksa

Maret 2016, Danareksa kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru bagi talenta talenta profesional untu mengisi posisi jabatan Anggota Komite Tata Kelola Terintegrasi melalui rekrutmen tenaga pegawai BUMN sebagai berikut

Anggota Komite Tata Kelola Terintegrasi (Komite-TKT)

  • Applicants 30 years of age - 50 years
  • Have the educational background majamenen field of risk (risk management), accounting or finance.
  • Experienced in the field of risk management (risk management) and be able to communicate well
  • Understand the financial statements, business Danareksa particularly with regard to services or the Company's operations, the audit process, risk management, and legislation in the field of capital market, legislation in the field of state-owned enterprises as well as legislation related
  • Can tasks TKT Committee accurately and timely
  • If adopted and raised as a member of the Committee TKT, may not concurrently as:
    • Member of the Board of Commissioners on state enterprises or other companies;
    • Secretary / staff of the Secretariat of the Board of Commissioners on state enterprises or other companies;
    • Other committee members on the Company; and / or
    • Committee members on state / other companies.
  • Experienced as the other committees in SOEs is an added value.
Jika kamu adalah kandidat yang kami cari dan memenuhi semua persyaratan yang ada, silakan kirimkan aplikasi Surat lamaran, CV, copy ijazah-ijazah dan dokumen pendukung lainnya melalui alamat email berikut : komite_danareksa@yahoo.com sebelum tanggal 22 Mei 2016, Pelamar juga bisa mengirimkan hardcopy melalui alamat : 

Dewan Komisaris PT Danareksa (Persero),
Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan 14
Jakarta 10110

Hanya calon yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil. Terimakasih Sumber

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